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Apple's Reaction to the iPhone 6 Bendgate: "Only 9 Customers have complained"

OK, We can say that this is the biggest gate in apple's history. And the iPhone 6 known as the "Super Thin" Smartphone has given a lesson to all tech companies in the world that thinner doesn't always mean better.

In the last days many users shared videos online bending their iPhone 6 just using their hands which confirm that Apple's new iPhone is less durable than the previous models but this doesn't mean that the iPhone 5S is solid because many users Took advantage of the situation and have shared their bended photos of their iPhone 5S on twitter before it become a hobby.

Competitors also found that this is the best situation to TROLL apple and market their smartphones showing peoples that their phones Flex and don't Blend, companies which TROLL apple are: Samsung, Nokia, LG, HTC, Motorola... etc
Unbox Therapy shared a video on YouTube comparing the iPhone 6 and the Galaxy Note 3 in a Bend test, if you want the final result: 
- The iPhone 6 become a curved phone
- The Galaxy Note 3 survive in the test even with more power

Even users troll apple and call this "The iBend feature"

The truth is many iPhone 6 users got their phones bended after one week in normal use, I mean they put the phone in their pockets and live their life as usual but the problem is they found that their phones become bended after just one week.

Apple's Reaction to the iPhone 6 #BendGate

After all this Buzz about the super thick expensive iPhone, Apple must have something to say, right?. The company start by saying that it will replace all the blended iPhones for its users and it's working in fixing the problem.
In the reality Apple is facing a big problem especially We know that apple sold 10 Million iPhone 6 in 3 days so imagine if the company will replace 10 Million iPhone 6 with a new iPhone 6 !!!!

This is not a solution!!, because this will happen and happen again. So in this situation, apple have just two choices:

  1. Changing the materials used in the iPhone 6 because it's the less durable smartphone in the market
  2. Withdrawn the iPhone 6 from the market before loosing millions of dollars or announcing a new model
Apple said that it receive complaints from just 9 customers, but my question is "Does all the iPhone 6 are built from the same materials?", of course Yes, so make sure that You'll receive complaints from everyone who bought your iPhone 6 and maybe You will loose them forever because they will buy a more solid phone. "You're in Danger Apple"

Also AppleInsider shared that according to reports apple said:
“New iPhones feature steel/titanium inserts to reinforce stress locations and use the strongest glass in the industry.”
 The company didn't trust these news and what it's called #Bendgate and of course the company answer peoples and said:
"With normal use a bend in iPhone is extremely rare and through our first six days of sale, a total of nine customers have contacted Apple with a bent iPhone 6 Plus. As with any Apple product, if you have questions please contact Apple."
And because it's apple, it will not recognize, especially after the extremely amazing number of iPhone 6 and 6 Plus sales. This can put the company in a very difficult situation, so the solution is telling peoples that the iPhone 6 is built with special and strong materials and it's impossible to be bended easily.
"Our iPhones are designed, engineered and manufactured to be both beautiful and sturdy. iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus feature a precision-engineered unibody enclosure constructed from machining a custom grade of 6000 series anodized aluminum, which is tempered for extra strength. They also feature stainless steel and titanium inserts to reinforce high-stress locations and use the strongest glass in the smartphone industry. We chose these high-quality materials and construction very carefully for their strength and durability. We also perform rigorous tests throughout the entire development cycle including 3-point bending, pressure point cycling, sit, torsion, and user studies. iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus meet or exceed all of our high-quality standards to endure everyday, real-life use. Apple Said
The #Bendgate was also followed by a similar fault which is the release of IOS 8.0.1 which fix a bug in the IOS 8 but contain a bigger bug and faults so this make things even worst.

Finally we can say that apple is in front of a real problem that must be fixed very quickly before things become bigger or even peoples will get back their iPhones to apple because it still under warranty.
What do you think about the iPhone 6 #Bendgate? leave a comment below and don't forget to share the post with the world.

Via: Apple Insider and Mashable
Apple's Reaction to the iPhone 6 Bendgate: "Only 9 Customers have complained" Reviewed by Unknown on 9/25/2014 09:23:00 PM Rating: 5

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