Sims 4 Demo Game Review and Release Date
Are one of those who like building virtual families on Sims? so I'm sure you'll like the Sims 4 which come with a lot of new features and additions that will make the game closer to the reality.
Sims 4 Release Date: 4th September
The New and the best part in Sims 4 is now you can create your character and add feelings, so persons in the game will feel and be like you want.
The demo don't contain all these features, it's called "Create your Sims" because you'll be able just to create your characters maybe to be ready to start playing when the full game will be released in 4th September.
Also the company make creating persons much easier than before, so now you can make your character slimmer, fatter, longer.. and change dimensions of everything in the body or face just by swiping with your mouse.
Characters, clothes, shoes and everything in the demo game is limited so we hope that the company add a lot of new items to give us more choices in the game.
I installed the game, play it, and review it in this video hoping that you like my first gaming review and before you leave don't forget to give your feedback about the video (what you like and what you didn't like).
Sims 4 Release Date: 4th September
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Sims 4 Demo Game Review and Release Date
Reviewed by Unknown
8/20/2014 10:08:00 PM
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