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You Think Moto 360 is The Best Smartwatch? LG Want to Change your Opinion

LG G watch R Smartwatch
What make the Moto 360 peoples's favorite smartwatch is its circular design and its look, which is similar to regular and elegant smartwatches. So they can replace their regular watch with a smartwatch (not wearing two watches in their wrist).

LG is one of the companies that release that the best smartwatch in the world will be with a circular design and will look similar as a normal watch. So to compete with the Moto 360 and to make its device the best and better than Motorola's smartwatch, LG will release a circular one the next Week.
Samsung Galaxy Gear and LG G Watch weren't able to compete the Motorola Moto 360, maybe for the lack of features, and maybe because they don't have a circular design like you want them.

And because the LG G Watch fail (let's say it fail), Life's Good company will fix its error and release its first circular smartwatch hoping to become the best smartwatch in the world. The upcoming watch will be called "LG G Watch R" (maybe the "R" mean Round), and it will be revealed next week in Berlin at IFA 2014.

LG has shared this official teaser for its upcoming wearable device showing a little number of details, but the most important one is the rounded corners which confirm that we will see a circular smartwatch from LG very soon.

Also what we can notice in this teaser is that the G Watch R will allow its users to change the design of time so they will not be obliged to read time in the same watch everyday.
So we can expect some new apps or default settings in the watch to change the theme of your watch and choose between hundreds of watch themes and with this feature you'll not be obliged to buy a new watch when you're bored of your old one.

What do you think about these news? leave a comment below if you think that LG G Watch R will Compete the Moto 360

Source: LG Official Channel on YouTube / Via: Engadget
You Think Moto 360 is The Best Smartwatch? LG Want to Change your Opinion Reviewed by Unknown on 8/24/2014 04:00:00 PM Rating: 5

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