Galaxy Round: The First Smart Phone With A Flexible Screen

After many leaks and rumors about the smart phones with flexible screen, Samsung finish this with the release of its new smart phone "Galaxy Round" with a flexible screen.
The new smart phone from Samsung come with a new thick (7,9 mm) curved design to benefit from its flexible screen,

The new Galaxy Round come with 5,7-inch display and density of 1080p, also it's provided with a "Snapdragon 800" processor and 3GB of RAM And as any smart phone Samsung didn't forget the camera which stay the same popular camera with 13Mpx.
The Korean company provide its new mobile with a 2800mA battery capacity and the latest version of android 4.3 "JellyBean".

Samsung reviewed in a video clip one of the new features provided in the phone to take advantage of this new curved design, So when you tilt the phone when it's on the table it will give you some information such as the latest notifications, the time and the battery level.

The company said that "Galaxy Round" will be available exclusively at the Korean company "SK Telecom" starting from 10 October at $ 1,015, without talking about release dates in the global markets.

Galaxy Round: The First Smart Phone With A Flexible Screen Reviewed by Unknown on 10/09/2013 08:09:00 PM Rating: 5
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