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DDoS Attack create a lot of problems to the Dyn company

Hundreds of websites -- including those of biggies such as Netflix, Twitter and Spotify -- on Friday fell prey to massive DDoS attacks that cut off access to Internet users on the East Coast and elsewhere across the United States.

Three attacks were launched over a period of hours against Internet performance management company Dyn, which provides support to eight of the top 10 Internet service and retail companies and six of the top 10 entertainment companies listed in the Fortune 500.

The first attack against the Dyn Managed DNS infrastructure started at 11:10 a.m. UTC, or 7:10 a.m. EDT, the company said. Services were restored at about 9:00 a.m. Eastern time.

The second attack began around 11:52 a.m. EDT and was resolved by 2:52 p.m. The third attack, which started around 5:30 p.m., was resolved by about 6:17 p.m., according to Dyn's incident report.

"This is a new spin on an old attack, as the bad guys are finding new and innovative ways to cause further discontent," said Chase Cunningham, director of cyberoperations for A10 Networks.

"The bad guys are moving upstream for DDoS attacks on the DNS providers instead of just on sites or applications."

Dyn "got the DNS stuff back up pretty quick. They were very effective," he told TechNewsWorld.

DDoS attacks have been on the upswing and likely will increase in the near term.

There was a 129 percent increase in year-over-year DDoS attack traffic in the second quarter of this year, according to Akamai.

That amounts to nearly 5,000 mitigated attacks across a variety of industries and verticals during the period. 

DDoS Attack create a lot of problems to the Dyn company Reviewed by Unknown on 10/31/2016 02:52:00 PM Rating: 5

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