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Lenovo Vibe Z2 is Released and it's The First Lenovo 64-bit Smartphone

lenovo z2
64-bit smartphones will be in every smartphone very soon. Apple has released the first smartphone with a 64-bit processor in the market then companies tried to develop this technology to make their phones faster and better.

On of these companies is Lenovo which has released its upcoming Vibe Z2 with 64-bit processor at IFA in Berlin. 
The Vibe Z2 is provided with 1.4GHz Quad-Core Snapdragon Processor (of course 64-bit) which will make the phone much faster than Lenovo's previous smartphones, 2GB of RAM and it's running Android KitKat. It has also a Super-Bright 5.2-inch 720p display, and of course because it's from Lenovo it must be thin, the Vibe Z2 is 7.8mm of thick.
In addition to that, Lenovo Vibe Z2 is provided with 32GB of internal storage, 3,000mAh Battery (I like this) and of course a 13-megapixel Camera with a Backlit Sensor. Also the company provide its new phone with Dual Sim Slots.

The company announce also the Vibe X2 which has better and more features (I'll talk about it in the next post). 
What do you think about Lenovo Vibe Z2? leave a comment below and share this post with the World! ;)

Lenovo Vibe Z2 is Released and it's The First Lenovo 64-bit Smartphone Reviewed by Unknown on 9/04/2014 03:31:00 PM Rating: 5

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